June 23-27, 2020
Organized by Gabriela Hirt
What began as an online art-sharing platform for the community during COVID-19 became a fully-fledged exhibit. The Challenge Crisis with Creativity art project came to life to help us connect during self-isolation and to bring joy in difficult times.
For 11 weeks the Gage Gallery sent out weekly themes to inspire people of all ages to draw, paint, sculpt or photograph their personal experience while dealing with the uncertainties of a global pandemic. The response was phenomenal, producing more than 300 pieces of art created by 120 artists.
The creations are an important record, documenting through art, how our community was coping. Close to 50 works were on display, with projections of all the remaining contributions in our Small Works Gallery.
We thank everyone for sharing their voice.
This project was a collaboration between the Gage Gallery and graduate students in the Art History and Visual Studies program at the University of Victoria, lead by Gabriela Hirt and curated by Ashley Riddett.

How artists Were inspired
during Covid 19